My Lovely workshop

My Lovely workshop

Thursday 15 December 2011

Busy workshop.


Think I'll make a teapot now!

Kate decorating her second bowl.

Sunday 27 November 2011


    Have been practicing bottle throwing... no not literally though I did feel like it while trying to make these....Steve is making his usual sloe gin and wanted me to make some stoneware bottles/flasks...not too bad but a tad too small, will try again tomorrow.... am enjoying the challenge!

Monday 14 November 2011

Slab pots.

Chris and Till's Pot made 20+ years ago.
Landscape Pot "1"

Went to my cousin's wedding last september in Holland and found a lovely slab pot sitting pride of place with lovely red roses arranged in it, it turned out to be one of mine made many many years ago, I had'nt remembered it at all. So I decided there and then that I must make more, so this week over a year on I made making them but really don't  like decorating them.  I hav'nt reached that stage yet so before I ruin it I'll show you some pics at it's leatherhard stage...


"  Red The Cat "   the lovely gallery shop at Belton  House garden centre have taken another lot of my jewellery and all of a sudden everyone ( bit of an exageration! )  is coming into the studio to buy pots, better get some more stuff made quick, some hope eh! how can pottery making be quick. Should have started months ago...!!!

Sunday 6 November 2011

Autumn leaves.

    Autumn arrived for real this past week ..... with some amazing colours !

Monday 24 October 2011


A great sunny warm October weekend in my favourite county. Can't believe i was so lucky to have lived here in a previous life. It feels a bit like going home even though it was such a long time ago.

Skein of geese at dusk!

Are you looking at me!!!


Saturday 20 August 2011

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Wayfarers Gliding day

Leah Rance and Lesley.
   Had fantastic day at Buckminster Gliding Club in the Vale of Belvoir on Saturday, we were all a tad apprehensive but what a great experience it turned out to be, think we may well have to go again soon as we now have temporary membership of the club for 3 months, Leah was the brave star of the show and ended up doing 4 loops with her instructor, she is definitely an adrenalin junkie and hooked I think...We had an air tow instead of wynch launch and were up for about 30 mins, absolutely amazing!!!

Moi! all strapped in .

Steve ready to go.

Leah ready to soar.

Thursday 21 July 2011


My high- tech kiln!

Propane gas burner.

Set up my workstation in the garden and hoped that the neighbours had'nt hung out any washing, looked like it might rain so set everything out under a gazebo, no NOT the kiln. Lots of smoke and out of about 6 pots 1 survived, most cracked from the thermal shock, 1 blew up when I quenched upside down in the bucket, just missed me, and the nicest one made it through most of the process until I dropped it, hope the neighbours were'nt listening. Here are a few photos of my day.

Glaze popping off after reduction leaving smoke pattern.

Naked Raku pot.
Would have been nicer if I'd left the top black, next time! In fact I think that may be tomorrow. Chatted up the farmers next door to studio and they said I could use their yard to fire up next time,great news as I can then use the studio to prepare all the pots and dry them out before firing.

Friday 8 July 2011


          Pictures of us in our boat Mihangel ( and no we did'nt name it, but we may re-name it!! ) Last week in Tayvallich on the west coast of Scotland.

Thursday 7 July 2011


Group photo.

View from our patio. ( our jetty )

Just had the most fantastic week in Tayvallich with a lovely bunch of friends. Such a beautiful spot as you will see by some of these photos. We rented 3 cottages on the edge of the harbour with private jetty for our 8 Wayfarers. The views from each cottage were spectacular.

Friday 17 June 2011

Southwell Folk Festival

Leah chilling out.

A brilliant advert for the festival.Just love this bit for the kids.

Mouldy slabs

Had 2 very large slabs of clay  I'd rolled out about 2 months ago and wrapped up well, totally forgot about them. Found them covered in the most beautiful  black  mould pattern from the cloth it was wrapped in, wish I could get the same effect with oxides. I'll have a play when they are biscuit fired.