My Lovely workshop

My Lovely workshop

Monday 21 June 2010

My week on Mull

This is the magnificent view over Loch Na Keale looking towards Ben More from the top of the hill near Garden Cottage. How could anyone tire of a view like that on their doorstep.!

Before the big sailing adventure I spent the week with my best buddy Monica on Mull, and what a beautiful island she chose, the beauty of the landscape and the light actually bought tears to my eyes at times,  there are no words to explain the feeling of being there in the middle of  such a spiritual place, a place to think and just be, loved every minute of it walking, cycling, gardening etc. contemplating the week to come with trepidation and excitement....thanks Monica i had a most wonderful week and felt sad watching you diminish in size on the jetty as the ferry carried me away towards Oban.


Shared my days with this mottley bunch whilst monica was at work...Frankie and Polly, small dogs with big personalities took me for some very long and very lovely walks most days and the two very lovable cats waited at the gate for our safe return...ahhh!

These beautiful beasts popped through the hedge one day after lunch...A great time of year for Scotland apart from the midges that is, bluebells and unfurling bracken everywhere.