My Lovely workshop

My Lovely workshop

Friday 10 December 2010

Snow,Snow Ice and more Snow..

I love the snow but getting really fed up now. My car won't start and I'm walking miles on compact ice, in those conditions the 2 mile walk to the studio is a real slog. Please melt now.!
   Went in 2 days ago and the studio windows were thick with ice and it felt like a box with no light,very clostraphobic. Anyway I set the kiln so all that ice will have melted and pooled on the floor today, Great!
    Did a bit of making at home but now I have to transport some very fragile dry work into studio at some point....also made quite a few bits of jewellery so now have to find a few outlets for the new year...
Thick ice on studio windows
     The countryside is so so beautiful in the sun, all so sparkley and bright, it was -7 yesterday and even colder the day before, some parts of Nottinghamshire reached -14 which was much colder than Moscow apparently. There are going to be plenty of burst pipes soon.....

              Applied to sell through"" hope they like my stuff,...fingers crossed.!