My Lovely workshop

My Lovely workshop

Thursday 4 November 2010


Lovely atmospheric lighting.

Jackie Oats.

AMAZING!!!!!! Such an enjoyable evening, the band were wonderful as  usual and their special guest Jackie Oats was brilliant!  What a venue thought the sound would suffer in such a large void like the Minster but it was spot on the accoustics were amazing. Loved it when they wandered through and around the audience singing, their unaccompanied voices were magical...... Could have sat and listened to it all over again.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Workshop session.

   Alice and Sarah finishing off a couple of pots, and a few of their finished pieces .... 

Sorry girls just had to include this cheesy pic!

November already.

So it's November again and everyone is beginning to talk about and plan Christmas!!!  Why so soon everyone?
Have been busy potting and doing the odd workshop this month both of which are going really well at the moment. The studio seems to be forever changing and evolving and although it may look rather cluttered to you all it is actually very organised at long last and it really feels very comfortable. Took a few photos yesterday into the 4 corners of my studio , my own little cluttered world!!!!