My Lovely workshop

My Lovely workshop

Saturday 27 March 2010

Hen and Pig !

Just want to share this lovely photo with you all, spring has sprung in our garden and about time too after the winter we have just had.
    Last years pair of mallards have just returned to our garden pond  along with heaps of toads, the trees are in bud at last and the Forsythia and daffs are blooming. 

Creative Industries Grant....

Busy trying to spend this small but fantastic grant wisely, prioritising is not so easy when there are so many things I need, but at the moment I need stuff to build a decent Raku kiln i.e. Ceramic Fibre and an old oil drum, I could also do with a wall mounted clay  extruder to speed up my handbuilding....and a slab cutting harp and, and, and.....I could go on and on. They will also give me a bit for self promotion and photographs of work etc. but I don't know if I'm quite ready for that yet. We shall see!!!

Nearly April already.

Blogging has been a bit slow sorry folks!  Just beginning to settle down after all the swanning about in March, After the Lakes we  went down to the Cotswolds for a crazy weekend in a beautiful manor house with a lovely bunch of people to celebrate a friends 50th, she certainly did it in style. We then drove on to Croyde in north Devon for our annual get together with family.
   So all that galavanting behind me for a while I am eager to get on and play in the studio, I have to get my act together and produce some new work for the Halam Open Gardens weekend in June.

Our beautiful manor house!