My Lovely workshop

My Lovely workshop

Saturday 24 July 2010

Crayfish for lunch...

Beautiful sunny day with friends staying over and decided on crayfish for lunch,  so off to the river for a spot of fishing.  Caught 25 in all but only 11 worth eating so sent the rest on their way.
  Sue caught this whopper and ate it dipped in garlic butter !
What better way to spend a sunny saturday morning.
     Filled a huge bag with warm ripe cherries on the way home though I think we ate more than we brought back.

Friday 23 July 2010

Enthusiasm at work!

Gwen and Amber beavering away, their enthusiasm  in turn rubs off on me, I just love our sessions and they are producing some lovely things.

Back in the Studio

Another week away visiting the kids in Surrey and London and my lovely aunt in Hertfordshire, so back to work, psyched myself up and opened my new pristine HUGE bag of porcelain,never used any before it's so lovely fine white and silky, yummy!  Didnt attempt the wheel so slab build a couple of pots,fantastic but dries and cracks so had to work quite quickly especially as it is so hot at the moment, so we shall see, mixed a bit of cobalt oxide in whilst wedging so that could be interesting, could now do with a satin/matt glaze, a glossy surface is'nt quite right.
       Visited The New AshgateGallery whilst in  Farnham, fantastic!  took a few photos but my camera battery died, some lovely ceramics and jewellery.
        Have also been messing about with burnished beads and pendants ready for rakuing and smoking  which I hope to do tomorrow if I can pluck up the courage to fire up the kiln..... Beads in progress....